Cedar Business Solutions are pleased to offer a unique approach to help support owner managed businesses. With many years of hands on experience we believe that good quality financial information is vital for everyone involved in a successful business.
This includes the funders of the business whether this is the shareholders or financial institution. It is not sufficient to only look at the companies performance months after the event and the advisors commenting on what should have happened when at the time of the decision, factors were very different. Likewise it is important to remember why decisions are made to highlight both good and bad decisions so that lessons can be learnt for the future.
In large organisations this function is normally carried out by the Finance Director. However a smaller business is it is not practical or normally cost effective to have someone in this role full time. Cedar Business Solutions have streamlined their processes and systems to enable them to offer the same level of sophistication that is offered by a Financial Director within their support package.
Initially there is a process to understand the business and the financial strategy. This does not stop just at looking at the numbers but provides a strategic review of the business and when required a development plan and budgets.
These budgets then form the basis of the key performance indictors (KPI’s) of the business. Our processes take the information generated by the company and expands these into monthly management accounts with comment on the KPI’s and review of performance of the business against the budgets. Where additional information is required to complete these reports the appropriate questions are presented to management so that they can respond and all comments supplied into one complete monthly report.
This can then be edited for distribution as required to financial institutions and internal management where appropriate. Our service includes a monthly review of these figures and a discussion of both the current month and next trading period. Once again these meetings feed into the overall plan.
Cedar does not carry out audits of companies’ accounts but will assist in the preporation of statutory information for filing at Companies House and submissions to HM Revenue and Customs. They are also equipped to process Payroll records if required.
Because Cedar expects to assist in the building of the businesses it works with. Its fees are not based on time costs, but are agreed in advance for a period. Because of this approach a team of staff from Cedar will prepare the information on a monthly basis. All files are reviewed before presentation and this enables us to explore alternative strategies before presentation to our clients.
By applying similar strategies over many different types of businesses, we are able to see trends which at first may not be obvious. We have built up relationships with a broad spectrum of companies who we are able to introduce to our clients who may be able to reduce costs. Likewise some of our clients have also benefited from the reciprocal arrangements which allow us to introduce business to them.
If you would like discuss the benefits of working with Cedar Business Solutions all we ask is for half an hour of your time. An open discussion and we will only discuss matters that we believe either are now or will soon be in the public domain. We always enter into clearly defined Confidentiality and Non Circumvention agreements with all of our clients but are happy to see if there may be an opportunity for us to recommend your business to them even if we do not develop our relationship any further.